Summer Health Tips

summer health tips wk wk diary

As the main member of the family, it is my responsibility to wish everyone well and take care of their health. During the summer, we faced several health problems. So I always have to take care of everyone’s health. Today’s guide will share the issues we face during summer, why these problems occur, how to solve them, and essential tips to stay healthy during summer.

Usually, During The Summer we Face Health Problems

  • Dehydration
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Sunburn
  • Food poisoning
  • Allergies

Dehydration: Why This Happens

Dehydration summer health tips wk wk diary

Hot weather increases the body’s need for fluids. This is caused by not drinking enough water throughout the day.

Problems I experienced

Feeling tired and dizzy. Dry mouth and headaches are also experienced.

How I solved it

By drinking enough water and eating water-rich foods every day. I have instructed each family member to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. Besides, eating more watery fruits like watermelon and cucumber.

Essential Tips

Always carry a water bottle with you.

Drink plenty of water before you feel thirsty.

Include hydrating foods in your diet.

Heat Exhaustion: Why This Happens

Heat exhaustion summer health tips wk wk diary

This happens due to spending too much time outside in the sun and working too hard without breaks and rest.

Problems I experienced

Excessive sweating and rapid pulse. I also experienced nausea and muscle cramps.

How I solved it

Do not go out unless necessary during sunny hours from 10 am to 4 pm. Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. It also helps to work with less effort.

Essential Tips

Avoid strenuous activities during the day.

Use a hat and sunscreen when going outside.

Stay indoors in a cool place if possible.

Sunburn: Why This Happen

Sunburn summer health tips wk wk diary

This is caused by unnecessarily being out in the sun and not using enough sunscreen.

Problems I experienced

Experiencing red and painful skin. I also experienced peeling and blistering.

How I solved it

Avoid going out unless necessary and use enough sunscreen when going out. Also, wear protective clothing and a hat. Use aloe vera gel to soothe sunburned skin.

Essential Tips

Use sunscreen before going outside.
Wear protective clothing.
Stay in the shade if possible.

Food Poisoning: Why This Happen

Food poisoning summer health tips wk wk diary

This problem is caused by eating inappropriate food at picnics and eating fast food from street vendors.

Problems I experienced

Experiencing flatulence and diarrhea. Also, nausea and vomiting.

How I solved it

Ensure proper food storage and handling. By eating clean and healthy food. Avoid outside food.

Essential Tips

Refrigerate perishable food.
Wash your hands thoroughly before eating.
Avoid outside food as much as possible.

Allergies: Why This Happen

Allergies summer health tips wk wk diary

Pollen and outdoor allergens increase during the summer. This is due to being outside for too long.

Problems I experienced

Sneezing and runny nose. I also felt itchy eyes and throat.

How I solved it

Avoid going out more than necessary and use air purifiers indoors. Besides, I solved it by taking allergy medicine.

Essential Tips

Check the pollen forecast daily and plan accordingly.

Bathe regularly after coming from outside.

Check for allergies and take medication if necessary.

Last Note

It is important to be aware of health issues during summer. By generally taking precautions and being aware of the risks, our family has been able to stay healthy and enjoy the season.

These tips will help you and your family stay health-conscious this summer. Remember, summer can be a fun time if you are aware of health issues.



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