Quick & Tasty Hamburger Recipes

Quick Tasty Hamburger Recipes

If you are looking for simple and delicious food, then today’s simple hamburger recipes are for you. You can use this simple Hamburger recipe for breakfast and dinner at night. With just a few ingredients you can easily create this burger. Let’s not know how to make these burgers very easily.

Classic Beef Burger

Classic Beef Burger


  • Ground beef 5 pounds
  • Hamburger Bun
  • According to the taste of pepper and salt
  • Optional topics: Letus leaves, cheese, tomatoes, onions, ketchup, mustard, pickles.


Praise your grill or skillet at a height. Cut the ground beef in the form of petis. Mix well with ground pepper and salt.

Now put the petals in the grill or skillet and cook well on both sides. Light brown or cook until your choice is.

Now toast the hamburgers for two minutes in the grill or skillet.

Then combine the burger with your favorite topics and serve.

Turkey burger

Turkey burger


  • one pound of ground turkey
  • 1/4 cup of breadcrumbs
  • Egg 1
  • hamburger
  • According to the taste of pepper and salt
  • onion and garlic Kima
  • Topings: Lettuce leaves, avocado, tomatoes, mayonnaise, cheese.


In a large container, give salt according to ground turkey, breadcrumbs, eggs, onions, pepper, and taste. Mix all the ingredients well together.

Divide the mixture and make a petty.

Then preheat your grill or skillet. Now cook for about five to six minutes or as per your choice.

Toast the hamburgers in the grill or skillet.

Now serve the burgers with your favorite topics.

Vagary burger

Vagary burger


  • Clean and washed black beans
  • hamburger
  • Breadcrumbs 1/2 cup
  • 1/4 cup of chopped onion and garlic Kima
  • 1/4 cup of bell pepper
  • Cumin 1/2 teaspoon
  •  According to the taste of pepper and salt
  • Topics: lettuce leaves, avocado, tomatoes, cheese, salsa


Mash well with a spoon of black beans in a container. Then mix it with breadcrumbs, onions, garlic, balmy, cumin, pepper, and salt.

Bug the mixture and make the size of the patis.

Grill or preheat the steel. Then cook for four to five minutes with the petals or as per your choice.

Toast the hamburger bun at the grill or skillet.

Then combine the burgers with your favorite typing and serve.

Last Note

This simple hamburger recipe becomes your and your loved one’s daily delicious and appetizing foods. Hopefully, these simple recipes will include your daily diet list.


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