Effective Cortisol Cocktail for Weight Loss – Proven Recipes

cortisol cocktail for weight loss

A few months ago, I struggled with my weight and was able to lose weight. Today I want to share with you my weight loss journey. I tried various diets and exercises to lose weight, but nothing seemed to work for me. Then I heard about something called the cortisol cocktail.

I was terrified about it at first. How could a simple drink reduce weight? Later, I learned a lot about it and decided to try it. For about three months, I was able to lose the excess weight and feel much better than ever. Now I will share with you how it happened and some recipes for cortisol cocktails that have worked very well for me.

How I Lost Weight with the Cortisol Cocktail

Cortisol Cocktail is a mixture of ingredients that help control excess fat in your body. Cortisol is a hormone that, when at elevated levels, causes weight gain, especially in the fat around your belly. By controlling the cortisol levels, I was able to lose weight.

Every morning before breakfast, I drank a cortisol cocktail. It helped my metabolism work and made me feel fresh and energetic throughout the day. It works very well with a balanced diet and regular exercise. In just 90 days, I was able to lose over 20 pounds. Here are five cortisol cocktail recipes that I use regularly.

Cortisol Cocktail for Weight Loss - Proven Recipes

Lemon Ginger Cortisol Cocktail

Lemon Ginger Cortisol Cocktail wk diary

Recipe Ingredient

1 cup of hot water
Juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon honey
A pinch of pepper

Recipe Ingredient

Mix all the above ingredients in a cup. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Green Tea Citrus Blend

Green Tea Citrus Blend wk diary

Recipe Ingredient

1 cup green tea

 Juice of 1 orange

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon honey

Recipe Ingredient

First, make green tea and let it cool a bit. Then add orange juice, apple cider vinegar, and honey. Stir well and drink.

Turmeric and Cinnamon Delight

Turmeric and Cinnamon Delight wk diary

Recipe Ingredient

1 cup almond milk

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

1 teaspoon honey

Recipe Ingredient

First, heat the almond milk. Then add turmeric, cinnamon, and honey to it. Drink it.

Berry Boost Smoothie

Berry Boost Smoothie wk diary

Recipe Ingredient

1 cup fresh or frozen mixed berries

1 cup water or coconut water

1 tablespoon chia seeds

Juice of 1 lemon

Recipe Ingredient

Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth. Drink it once blended.

Cucumber Mint Cooler

Cucumber Mint Cooler wk diary

Recipe Ingredient

1 cup water

1 sliced ​​cucumber

A handful of fresh mint leaves

Juice of 1 lemon

Recipe Ingredient

Combine water, cucumber slices, mint leaves, and lemon juice in a cup. Refrigerate it for a few hours and then drink it.

Last Note

Besides keeping me hydrated, these drinks have helped me lose weight. If you’re looking to lose weight, definitely give the Cortisol Cocktail a try. Hopefully, it will work very quickly in your weight loss journey.


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